Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Success of Failure

In a society focused on the NOW, it is easy to get lost in the shuffle of today and forget about long-term goals, benchmarks, and ideas.  Maybe the idea that will cost you today will reap countless rewards down the road, or maybe not.  The great thing about trying something different, changing your perspective, and moving to the beat of a different drummer is that you set yourself apart…in success and failure.
What successful person has not failed?  Steve Jobs?  Failed at Apple the first time.  Martin Luther King Jr.?  Failed to change countless people’s perspectives.  Nelson Mandela?  Yeah, I am sure he felt like a success sitting in prison for years.  The list goes on and on, but one truth remains the same:
Whether in business, sports, activism, politics, family, or any other arena failure will happen, but success is not the absence of failure it is overcoming it.