Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Want YOU to Succeed!

In a world that loves itself it’s easy to get caught in the never-ending spiral of “Me…me…ME,” but in the end it’s important to remember that we all need each other to succeed.  Over the past day I (a tried and true self-centered being) have been able to step back and say I want the best for others as well.

Situation #1
Background: we have an awesome Nanny that works for us.  My wife was talking about working from home a little more and I’m automatically thinking “YES, less expenses!”  Then my wise wife said, “Well, we need to make sure we’re paying consistently to ensure we keep our awesome Nanny.”  She’s so right, in order to keep great people you have to invest in them, not just pull the rug out from under them every time you get a chance.

Situation #2
Background: my Assistant Manager recently went to part time to go back to school.  While it creates some difficulties for me (I now share another AM type employee with another manager along with my PT’er), it actually is great.  I really hope he succeeds and finds something he loves to do.  In the end, our country needs smart, well-educated, driven, and capable people to run at every level, and if I can help make that happen I am making the world a better place.

Situation #3
Background: one of my work friends, from another company, is “going to win the Lottery tonight.”  He’s “going to win” a cool 2 mil, and walk away with about 800K or so (by his calculations).  While he’s offered me 5K, I really hope he succeeds.  He’s a smart, hard working, father of two, and I wish lots of success for him.  I’m sure I’d never see the 5K, but even so I hope he does win, as I think he deserves a break, and if I can help him in any way I want to do so.  We all need to wish joy and success on others, after all, if others aren’t happy with their lives they’ll probably spend a decent amount of time helping others join them.

Key Points
Point #1: In order to keep great people you have to invest in them, not just pull the rug out from under them every time you get a chance.

Point #2: In the end, our country needs smart, well-educated, driven, and capable people to run at every level, and if I can help make that happen I am making the world a better place.

Point #3: We all need to wish joy and success on others, after all, if others aren’t happy with their lives they’ll probably spend a decent amount of time helping others join them.

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