Sunday, February 9, 2014

Finding Lifelong Joy

Millions of Americans find ourselves yokes with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.  We Americans love to spend our money – and then some – as demonstrated by our love/hate relationships with debs on a personal and professional level.  This love affair is a reflection of our deeply-routed insecurity in ourselves and our inability to discipline ourselves for what is best.  Instant gratification overwhelms our desire for sacrificial and meaningful gain.  But how do we overcome this addiction to debt, instant gratification, and short-termism?
         The simple answer is that we don’t overcome it, instead we pursue different avenues – healthy avenues – of gratification.  We slightly nudge our mindset toward those things that restrain our brains by loving what actually makes us happy.

         Philosophy is great, but how about some reality?  What practical, real life steps do we take to pursue lifelong joy rather than temporal and fleeting happiness?

Stay tuned…

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